What is heart disease? Heart disease – also called coronary heart disease – is a simple term used to describe several problems related to cholesterol buildup in the walls of the arteries, or atherosclerosis. As this builds up, the arteries narrow, making it more difficult...
Read MoreIf you’re already signed up or have a temporary access password for our Medent Patient Portal click here to log in or activate your account. If not, please ask us at your next appointment or call to sign up before then! Our Patient Portal provides you with secure online...
Read MoreLearn About High BP Arm yourself with the knowledge you need. Learn what your blood pressure numbers mean and protect yourself and those you love from the “silent killer’s” serious consequences. Symptoms, Diagnosis & Monitoring of HBP The test is simple…
Read MoreWelcome to His Branches Health Services where you and your family become part of a safe, caring and comprehensive medical home. Call us today and let us know how we can help you, a friend, or a family member. We’re available for everyone, from newborns and children through adolescents and adults right up into seniors in their 90s. We help women through pregnancy, labor, and delivery and take care of them and their babies in the...
Read MorePatient Rights As a patient coming to His Branches for medical care you are entitled to: receive health care services without regard to age, race, color, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, sex, national origin or sponsor; be treated with consideration, respect...
Read MorePatient Rights As a patient coming to His Branches for medical care you are entitled to: receive health care services without regard to age, race, color, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, sex, national origin or sponsor; be treated with consideration, respect...
Read MoreThank you for choosing His Branches Health Services as your Primary Care Provider. We’re looking forward to serving you. Here is some important information for you: Responsibilities as a New Patient Please contact your insurance company and change your PCP (Primary...
Read MoreWhere should I go? Click here to read a brochure about how to choose between going to your Doctors’ Office, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Department when you or someone in your family is sick or has just been injured. Then print a copy for your reference at home. Call...
Read MoreWhen our main office on Arnett Boulevard first opened in the Spring of 1978, we were called The Chapel Guidance Center, a name we inherited when we were given an established nonprofit religious and charitable organization of the same name. Over the next few years as we...
Read MoreJulyGroupBStrep Approximately 1 in 4 pregnant women carry GBS, the leading cause of sepsis and meningitis in newborns according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.) GBS can also infect babies during pregnancy and the first few months of life. Not all babies exposed to GBS become infected, but, for those who do, the results can be devastating. GBS can cause babies to be miscarried, stillborn, born prematurely, become very sick, have lifelong handicaps, or die. Even babies born to moms who test negative can become infected by group B strep. Fortunately there are many ways to help protect babies from group B strep. If you’re pregnant be sure to ask your doctor about how you can get screened. This website contains resources for you to learn more about GBS and help prevent its devastating...
Read MoreWe're here for you and your family
Welcome to His Branches Health Services where you and your family become part of a safe, caring and comprehensive medical home. Call us today and let us know how we can help you, a friend, or a family member.
If you’re already signed up or have a temporary access password for our Medent Patient Portal click here to log in or activate your account. If not, please ask us at your next appointment or call to sign up before then!
Thank you for considering becoming a patient in our practice. Before going any further, please call one of our offices in Rochester, NY (Grace Family Medicine at 585-235-2250, or Joy Family Medicine at 585-697-0004) to express your interest.
Pot and pregnancy can be a dangerous combination The legal use of marijuana is growing, with three U.S. states and the District of Columbia now endorsing legal marijuana use. An additional 21 states allow use of medical marijuana under physician prescription and supervision. The brain is a sensitive organ vulnerable to a variety of insults. This is particularly true during periods of brain development from conception through adolescence. Studies of pot’s effect on adults cannot be generalized to pregnant women, children or adolescents. This growing trend for marijuana legalization...
Pot and pregnancy can be a dangerous combination The legal use of marijuana is growing, with three U.S. states and the District of Columbia now endorsing legal marijuana use. An additional 21 states allow use of medical marijuana under physician prescription and supervision. The brain is a sensitive organ vulnerable to a variety of insults. This is particularly true during periods of brain development from conception through adolescence. Studies of pot’s effect on adults cannot be generalized to pregnant women, children or adolescents. This growing trend for marijuana legalization...
Pot and pregnancy can be a dangerous combination The legal use of marijuana is growing, with three U.S. states and the District of Columbia now endorsing legal marijuana use. An additional 21 states allow use of medical marijuana under physician prescription and supervision. The brain is a sensitive organ vulnerable to a variety of insults. This is particularly true during periods of brain development from conception through adolescence. Studies of pot’s effect on adults cannot be generalized to pregnant women, children or adolescents. This growing trend for marijuana legalization...
Interwoven This year’s theme for the annual CCHF Conference, held in Cincinnati on March 28-30, was “Interwoven” – how do we embody the living message of God’s healing in our everyday work as clinicians caring for the afflicted? At the last minute, due to the unexpected loss of a key staff member, our team from HBHS had to stay back to care for patients, but Dr. Morehouse was able to participate and lead two workshops. All 725 from around the country who were able to attend were deeply encouraged....
How to do it right So many times we have to put a bandaid on a finger but it won’t stay there, especially on the tip. Perhaps it’s a child with an injury (or even a finger-stick blood test in the office). Or it’s over a joint and makes the finger stiff. Isn’t there a better way to handle this simple, common task? There sure is! Watch the video below for a demonstration of all you need to do to get the result you want. Why didn’t I think...
Health center achieves patient-centered milestone By Robin L. Flanigan – January 28, 2019 Three years ago, before the community health center His Branches partnered with Common Ground Health, this was a typical scenario: Moments into a patient’s visit, Medical Director Dr. Matthew Mack would realize he didn’t have the MRI results he needed. He’d then dart to the front of the office to find out where they were. A secretary would search for, and ultimately find, them—just in time for the patient’s visit to end. “There was zero foresight...
Want to live to be 90? Here’s your blueprint. An eye-opening new Harvard study reveals 5 brutal truths about people who live the longest. With all the advances in medicine, nutrition, and science, in terms of life expectancy, where do you think the U.S. ranks compared to the rest of the world? First? Fifth? Twentieth? Nope, nope, and nope: At an average expectancy of 76.3 years, the U.S. comes in 43rd out of 195 countries. And it gets worse. By 2040, researchers predict the U.S. will have fallen to 64th in...
Fascinating new Ivy League study shows the ‘Clear Causal Link’ between Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and ‘Loneliness and Depression’. Facebook would be nothing without its Ivy League roots. But now a new Ivy League study could mean big trouble for Facebook, along with Instagram and Snapchat for that matter. That’s because this is the first study to show a “clear causal link” between using these three sites and being lonely and depressed. Other studies have certainly found that heavy users of Facebook and other social media sites suffered mental health issues. But that...
Morning Routine Cheat Sheet The journey from your pillow to your working day is an epic one, especially if you have a family to wake up with you. Do you want to make this complicated journey easier on you and everyone you live with? If yes, give the frantic morning rush a kick start with The Morning Routine Cheat Sheet! The Morning Routine Cheat Sheet will help you nail these steps: 1 - Getting out of bed 2 - Using the bathroom 3 - Having breakfast 4 - Getting...
Flavored e-cigs appealing to minors The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering a ban on flavored e-cigarettes in response to an “epidemic” of young people using e-cigarettes, the agency’s leader said on Wednesday. In a speech at FDA headquarters, Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the agency would also revisit its compliance policy that extended the dates for manufacturers of flavored e-cigarettes to submit applications for premarket authorization. “We see clear signs that youth use of electronic cigarettes has reached an epidemic proportion,” Gottlieb said. Gottlieb announced a number of...
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